The Blanch
“A band of Bouffonss ( outcast Clowns from god-knows-where) take over Draiocht studio to present a show based on the “real life” Blanchardstown Centre. Their anarchic play brings you on a phantasmagorical travelator ride through the contemporary suburban shopping experience, where everything is there,but what you want seems just out of reach”
As part of the programme of public art commissions under the Per Cent for Art Scheme, we worked with the Ciaran Taylor and Carpet Theatre Company on a site specific theatre performance titled The Blanch.The performance was based on the day to day activities and characters of the Blanchardstown Shopping Centre. Ciaran Taylor explains that the performance was based on observations and conversations which took place on field trips to the Blanchardstown Shopping Centre where he decided to create a band of Bouffon clowns whose human characters are grotesque in appearance and caricature normal social behaviour. The show was advertised as part of the Draiocht programme with tickets free to all for each night. The show enjoys a second run at this years Fringe Festival with further performances at axis, Ballymun.
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