Arc — A Per Cent for Art Scheme Fingal County Council & Dublin City Council 2003 – 2005
This project arose from Per cent for art arising from Dublin City & Fingal County Council’s Water Services Schemes. The Dublin Bay Project and The North Fringe Water Supply Scheme. Artworking were contracted ( Artworking headed by Jenny Haughton Public Art Specialist, Arts Council).
Curators were approached to select artists for particular areas in the two counties. Following a period of research into the areas Amy Plant (U.K) and Gerard Byrne (Irl) were selected for Fingal.
Themes of mobility, mapping linking different parts of the county were prominent. A DVD on all of the four projects and their process is available for research purposes.
The Arc film is the first film that has documented the public art commissioning process in Ireland commissioned by Dublin City Council and Fingal County Council. Covering the percent for art scheme that arose from the waste water treatment plant in Ringsend four artists were selected. Three international and one Irish artist were selected for the project, each responding to the brief laid down by the curators. The artists were Amy Plant who toured north county Dublin in a blue caravan called “The Multistop Shop”; Peter Fend and Ocean Earth that advocated deriving methane gas from seaweed as a alternative to oil and the nuclear option; Gerard Byrne who documented Glass houses in North County Dublin and finally Tatsuro Bashi who hung a café from a crane in finglas as an architectural intervention. The film is a sympatethic look at how the artists arrived at their work and the processes involved in realising their vision. The music was composed by Justin Carroll and Rebecca Collins.
Contact Caroline Cowley Public Arts Co-ordinator. Ph: 01 870 8449, E: caroline.cowley@fingal.ie