Per Cent for Art Scheme

The Per Cent for Art scheme is a government initiative, first introduced in 1988, whereby 1% of the cost of any publicly funded capital, infrastructural and building development can be allocated to the commissioning of a work of art. Since 1997 this scheme has been made available to all capital projects across all government departments. 

Capital programmes where the Per Cent for Art applies include: — public housing projects, (social and affordable schemes); transport and roads; environmental schemes such as drainage schemes, pump stations and reservoirs;  public buildings such as libraries, public offices, schools, hospitals, medical centres, prisons, arts buildings - cinemas, theatres, art centre; conservation works carried out to public buildings and sites and, urban and village renewal schemes. Other government departments such as the HSE and the Department of Education and Science and agencies such as Udarás na GaeltachtaOPWNRADTO are actively commissioning artworks under this scheme.  

The Per Cent for Art Scheme budget is ring-fenced i.e. it is only available for artworks and not for any other purpose such as an architectural improvement or design feature or landscaping, etc.  

The amount of the Per Cent for Art budget relates to the total capital construction cost, calculated in accordance with the limits noted below.

Budget limits

The limits under the scheme are set to a maximum of 1% of the overall capital budget subject to the various limits. Construction projects costing up to:

€2,550,000 may include a maximum art budget of €25,500.

For projects costing between €2,550,000 and €6,300,000, a further 1% (up to €12,500) is allowed giving a maximum art budget of €38,000.

For projects costing between €6,300,000 and €12,700,000, a further 1% (up to €13,000) is allowed giving a maximum art budget of €51,000.

For projects costing in excess of €12,700,000, a final 1% (up to €13,000) is allowed giving a maximum art budget of €64,000.