Open Call – Cruinniú na nÓg 2023 Commission - Creative Ireland Fingal
Open Call - Fingal County Council invites proposals from Artists and Creative Practitioners for the development and delivery of artistic projects for children and/or young people for Cruinniú na nÓg 2023.
Cruinniú na nÓg is a flagship initiative of the Creative Ireland Programme’s Creative Youth Plan to enable the creative potential of children and young people. This year it will take place on Saturday 10th of June. Access to events, projects and showcases will be free, local and interactive. It’s a day of doing, making, and celebrating young people's creativity.
Creative Ireland Fingal Commissions:
The commission is for the development of artistic and creative content that will engage children/young people (0-18 years) in unique experiences in any artform and in response to any thematic - including but not limited to visual art, music, literature, theatre, performance, spoken word, fashion, photography, digital arts, installation art, street art, storytelling, architecture, biodiversity, heritage, archaeology, landscape.
We are interested in prioritising face-to face engagement, but will accept proposals for innovative radio, tv, or digital media content. Proposals can aim to engage with early childhood/youth /community/arts settings, primary and post-primary schools, families and more.
Timeline: Projects should begin in May and culminate in June/July. A midway sharing or final outcome presentation on Saturday 10th June is a requirement.
Budget Range: €4,000 - €20,000 (inclusive of all artistic fees, VAT and materials / production / performance/display/promotion costs).
Deadline for application: Wednesday 5th of April 2023.
Applicants will be notified during the week of 11th April and be supported to begin preparations.
Selection Criteria
Applications will be assessed by the selection panel using the following criteria:
• Quality of artistic proposal 40 marks
• Evidence of artistic practice and experience 30 marks
• Feasibility of delivery 30 marks
Application Content
• Curriculum Vitae of lead artist / creative practitioner (and collaborators if relevant)
• A proposal in response to the commission (max word count 1,500)
• 2 examples of relevant artistic projects in support of proposal in pdf format or links
• Budget breakdown
• Timeline
• Letters of support from participating early childhood/youth /community/arts settings,
primary and post-primary schools if relevant. Fingal Arts Office can assist with matching successful proposals with appropriate groups/settings if required.
Applications should be submitted clearly marked ‘Cruinniú na nÓg’ in ONE PDF by email to: Julie.clarke@fingal.ie
Julie Clarke, Youth & Education Officer, Arts Office, Fingal County Council.
This opportunity is funded by Creative Ireland.
Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Selection Panel whose decision is final will be composed from Fingal’s Cruinniú na nÓg Committee.
Commissioned individuals must have a Tax clearance certificate and public liability cover and may be subject to Garda Vetting if contact with children/young people is planned.