Let’s Stay Together: Aoife Dunne
For this week’s 'Let’s Stay Together Series', we chat with Dublin 15 artist Aoife Dunne, creator of our exciting new public art commission titled 'Transcending Time'. Aoife discusses her inspiration for the work and her hopes for it to bring joy and escapism to communities across Fingal.
'Transcending Time' is a 4D, digital, travelling installation which has been developed in response to the conditions of a new world that requires us to remain socially distant during the Covid-19 Pandemic.Visual vanguard Aoife Dunne is offering Fingal residents the chance to summon 'Transcending Time' installation directly to their homes where a combination of original digital media has been combined with a mobile platform to create a live experience for its viewers.
Starting from Monday 8 June, 'Transcending Time' will move, conjuring the absurd and fantastic into a fully travelling wonderland.
Fingal residents can request the installation to visit their house/hospital/community centre by contacting Aoife via a dedicated website. Aoife hopes to make Fingal residents lives much brighter and more colourful by offering something new and special to see and talk about while they remain close to their homes.
Fingal Arts Office is committed to the local and national 'In this Together' Campaign where departments across Fingal County Council are delivering a range of programmes and initiatives to support people’s physical and emotional wellbeing during Covid-19, while continuing to work on their objectives as set out in their recently published Arts Strategy 2019 – 2025: Connecting People and Ideas and Bringing Fingal to Life.
To request the exhibition to visit your home or neighbourhood see www.transcendingtime.ie
Booking Now, June 2020. The artist will plan a route based on requests. The exhibition will be on the move from 8th – 10th June.
www.transcendingtime.ie www.aoifedunne.com www.fingalarts.ie
This seventh stream in the 'Let's Stay Together' series can be found here: