Message from the Arts Office Fingal County Council County
On behalf of the staff of Arts Office of Fingal County Council, I want to send a message of support and solidarity to all the artists, arts groups, arts organisations and partners with whom we work. Given the situation nationally, the Covid-19 pandemic, and its consequences for us all, has impacted on our ability to continue to live and work as we did before, I want to take this opportunity to assure people of our continued commitment to you and also to maintain our contact and communication with you during this time.
We will continue to work in supporting all those individuals and organisations that make a positive contribution to the cultural life of Fingal. We are available to you, by phone and email, and will do our best to help you with advice and practical support where possible. You can also contact Draiocht and the Seamus Ennis Arts Centres in the usual ways.
Director of Services Margaret Geraghty commented that ‘as the work of the Arts Office is developmental, the team are continuing to work hard on the goals outlined in the 2019-25 Arts Plan’. We are looking at ways to adapt to our current situation and are actively making plans to find new and innovative ways to help artists to maintain their practice and presence on the range of available online platforms while promoting the work to date and most importantly to come. We will continue to offer opportunities to artists and groups as we have always done and will honour all our current commitments. It is our belief that the arts and artists are an essential support to the community in this unprecedented time.
As we look forward to a future, when things improve, life may be very different for all of us, but know that we will continue to invest, promote and value the role that art and artists play in the lives of the people of Fingal.
We are here to support you in any way we can as we plan for brighter times. Stay in touch and stay safe.
Arts Office Team