Amy Plant, Multi Stop Shop
After visiting Fingal, Amy plant conceived of an idea to transform an old holiday caravan and brand it the “Multi Stop Shop”. The Multi Stop Shop was a mobile facility that travelled around the county stopping for a time a different towns; through the shop the artist invited the public to get in touch with her if they had a skill, something to sell, an idea, a cause or needed a meeting place. This call was met with huge interest in Fingal, the shop sold local produce, jams, and crafts but also became a mini publishing house for local writers and poets to distribute their work, for youth groups to record music (A CD “Songs from the Van” was produced) It became a meeting place, a site for debate and welcome addition to the rural landscape. In the end the Multi Stop Shop was given to a local group and the project still resonates with the people who engaged with it.
Amy’s work could be described as activist, relational, community engaged meaning that the public are the centre of the work with the artist as the catalyst.