Call for Artists - Early Years Music

Fingal County Council is inviting expressions of interest from visual artists who are interested in working in partnership with Fingal Arts Office, artist Jackie Maguire and relevant organisations and community groups, to deliver a unique Early Years Arts programme with Traveller children and their mothers in two North Fingal Traveller Communities. The pilot project aims to embed music and visual art in two Traveller sites namely; Ardla in Skerries and Forest Little in Swords, through various interconnected workshops facilitated by Jackie Maguire, who will lead the music element of the programme and one visual artist, who will facilitate the visual arts element of the programme.


The project will begin in February 2012; it will run for the duration of 16 weeks. Each week will see the artists deliver a session for three hours on each site.


The project will be delivered in partnership with Fingal County Council Arts Office, Fingal Traveller Organisation, The Arts Council of Ireland, Fingal County Childcare Committee, the Traveller community of Ardla and Forest Little, and artist Jackie Maguire.

Budget & Working Environment

The Artist’s fee will be paid by Fingal County Council. The artist’s fee stands at €3,840 (*16 weeks x 2 sites x 3 hour block per site). Materials costs and a suitable working space will be provided for by the project partnership.

Eligibility and Requirements

It is open to professional and emerging individual artists both nationally and internationally, who have experience of working in an early years setting. Garda vetting will be required if selected


— A qualification in fine art, visual arts practice, youth arts, arts in the community, visual communications or
other were appropriate

— Substantial experience of working with children aged 0-5 years and in a community context

— Excellent communication skills

— Private Transport


— Completed Child Protection, Keep Safe Training or equivalent

How to apply

*Application Deadline is closed