Fingal County Council and Graphic Studio Fine Art Print Residency Award 2023
Fingal Arts Office is delighted to announce the Graphic Studio Dublin Fine Art Print Residency Award. As part of the ongoing commitment to professional artists, Fingal County Council Arts Office in partnership with Graphic Studio Dublin is offering two fine art print residencies to professional artists at any stage of their careers, working in any discipline, who are interested in exploring print processes.
The two-week long residencies will provide an ideal environment for the development of a creative project in printmaking and an opportunity to network with other artists. The selected artists will each work with a Master Printmaker and a professional printing team to produce a series of limited-edition prints and the artists proofs will enter the Fingal County Council Municipal Art Collection. The residency will take place in Autumn 2023, at a date to be agreed with the successful candidates.
To be eligible to apply, applicants must have been born, have studied, or currently reside in the Fingal administrative area. No printmaking experience is necessary.
Visit www.graphicstudiodublin.com to download an application form. For further information please contact Graphic Studio Dublin by email at info@graphicstudiodublin.com
The closing date for receipt of applications is Thursday 27th July 2023 at 4.00pm
The residency will include:
• An initial meeting at the studio with Studio Director and Programme Manager to define the project, print medium and timeline.
• Advice and assistance from the Master Printer on print methodologies, to allow the artist to professionally fulfil their objectives during the residency.
• Professional studio support with regard to technical processes and artistic development.
• Working in the studio from c.10am-3.30pm each day with the Master Printer and / or Studio team over two weeks.
• A small edition of prints, produced with staff at the studio during the two-week period.
• Documentation of the residency for the artist, Fingal County Council and Graphic Studio Dublin which can be used as promotional material for future projects.
• Exhibition of work at Graphic Studio Gallery.
• The recipient may be asked to give a public and/or written presentation on their practice and how the residency has benefitted them.
Click the link below to see a video highlighting the recipients of the 2021 Award during their residencies - Naomi Taitz Duffy and Anna Hyrniewicz
About Graphic Studio Dublin
Graphic Studio Dublin was established in 1960 to facilitate the process of engaging with the medium of printmaking to express artistic ideas, and to facilitate the development of successful working practices for artists through all stages of their careers.
We provide printmaking facilities and technical assistance in a supportive working environment, and teach the skills needed, to enable artists develop successful working practices, and to engage with print media to extend existing art practices.
Graphic Studio Dublin facilitates the following print techniques: Etching, lithography, linocut, drypoint, carborundum, woodblock, aquatint, photo intaglio, blind embossing, collography, letterpress, mezzotint, and screen print. Technical assistance and education of artist members in the above printmaking techniques is core to our ethos.